Air Conditioning Recharge and Service

Here at A 2 B

Our Air Conditioning Machine, Vacuum Test to see if your Vehicle Air Conditioning system is leaking,

For components which are leaking, we will need to replace any worn ones before any gas can be put back into the system.

Book your Air-Conditioning Recharge Online

Make sure that you can rely on your air conditioning with a recharge service. Car air con needs regular maintenance to ensure that it is functioning as efficiently as possible. At A 2 B, we offer a complete air conditioning recharge service. To book your recharge,

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How much is an air con recharge?

The price you pay for an air conditioning recharge depends on the type of refrigerant gas your car uses.


The vast majority of cars on the road in the UK use one of two types of refrigerant - R134A and R1234YF. If your air conditioning system requires R134A gas the cost to recharge from £60.00 + VAT. For vehicles that require R1234YF gas the cost  from £129.95  + VAT to recharge.


It is not possible to switch between gases, in fact, the port to recharge R1234YF models is different to the R134A making it impossible to refill with the incorrect gas.


How do I know which air con gas I require?

R134A gas is common in vehicles manufactured before 2014. All vehicles with air conditioning manufactured since 1st January 2017 include the new R1234YF air con gas which is more environmentally friendly.


Since this date, manufacturers are no longer allowed to use the older R134A air con gas in a bid to reduce global warming as the old gas is believed to be more damaging to the environment. R1234YF gas was phased in by vehicle manufacturers over time so vehicles rolling off the production line between 2014 and 2016 could require either gas.

Does my air con need recharging?

Manufacturers recommend that your air con is recharged every 2 years. As your car or van air conditioner is not checked as part of your MOT test and re-gassing is not typically included in your Service, it is important to make sure that you include recharging as part of your regular vehicle maintenance routine.


If your AC is blowing out warm air or only works intermittently, an AC recharge can bring back cold air when you need it most on hot days and can also improve your fuel efficiency as there is less strain on the system and engine. Unpleasant smells coming from the air vents also suggest that your air con needs some attention in the form of an air-con debug.

Recharge at A 2 B

The recharge process is quite simple and involves removing any old refrigerant gas and oil from your air con system before replacing this with the correct amount of new refrigerant and lubricant as per your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation. A vacuum test is also performed to ensure there are no cracks or damage in your vehicle air conditioning system that could cause the gas to leak out.


Within an hour the whole recharge process is completed and you will once again have refreshing cool air on demand. Our trained technicians will show you the difference in your AC before and after recharge.


Vehicle air conditioners that are not recharged regularly will be less effective and have to work harder to produce cool air. This puts more strain on the engine and uses more fuel. If your air conditioning system has not been recharged in the past two years it will dramatically reduce efficiency.

Air Conditioning Cleaning

If there are bad odours coming from your air vents when you turn on your car AC, then your car may also benefit from an air con clean, also known as a debug.


Book online with A2B for Mot & Service today!

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With the high levels of experience we can draw upon, along with an honest, no nonsense approach to fairly priced car maintenance, you will find the best deal here at A2B MOT Servicing.

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